Delivering bespoke eCommerce solutions for luxury fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands, Appnova has been an established London digital agency for nearly 12 years. Our experienced team of WooCommerce developers and designers creates exceptional digital and customer experiences that drive conversions.

If you’re looking at WooCommerce, you are probably using or planning to use WordPress. You know that WordPress is a very simple, flexible and easy to navigate platform with an uncomplicated CMS – well great news, WooCommerce is too. You certainly are in the right hands if you are looking to use WooCommerce to build your online store and grow your business.

Appnova uses this open-source, completely customisable eCommerce platform to craft innovative, tailored solutions for each one of our clients. WooCommerce seamlessly integrates commerce with content, and with our help, you can deliver that special experience that engage and convert your customers.

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How we do WooCommerce Website Design and Development Agency

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Why WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a plugin that works with WordPress, the software that runs 26% of the web. Working on top of the world’s most popular content management systems, WooCommerce seamlessly integrates commerce with content. If you own a WordPress site and want to integrate eCommerce or if you are planning to set up a new store with an easy to navigate system, WooCommerce is certainly the answer, being a fast and cost-effective way to build an online store.

WooCommerce is a great starter platform for your eCommerce empire, providing loads of great integrations and features, whilst keeping things really simple. A quick setup and integration and you’ll be selling online in no time.

Is it right for my business?

If your budget for your new eCommerce store is under £20k – we would suggest WooCommerce alongside a number of other platforms including Shopify for your eCommerce website.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

• Is the website going to be integrating with any back office stock or till systems?
• Do you need complex tasks completing on a daily basis?
• Are there going to be more than 50 users on the site at any time?
• Are you planning to grow your business to more than 10,000 products?

If the answer to all of these is no, then WooCommerce can be a good and cost effective solution for you.

WooCommerce will allow you to create an expandable and easy to manage store that provides the perfect platform for growth.

  • Even a Monkey Could Use WooCommerce. We may have descended from them, but even a big old ape could use WordPress and WooCommerce. Changing products and posts is as simple as peeling a banana.
  • Your Audience Are All Ears. Wordpress is the world’s leading blogging platform. You can create, publish and share great articles plus get real time comments and feedback from your audience.
  • Sell Thousands Of Products. The world is your oyster. With WooCommerce you can upload as many products as you like with in loads of different categories, styles and configurations.
  • Fully Customisable Design. We will create branded templates just for your online store, transforming the look of your website to suit your brand and business’ needs.
  • It’s Fully Integrated. With incredible Apps, add-ons & features to bolt-onto your store, WooCommerce helps to future proof your business and give you the tools to make life easy.
  • SEO Ready. Wordpress is amongst the best CMS systems for SEO…
    WooCommerce gives you full SEO control, meaning your products can get properly referenced in search… so more customers can find your products.
  • Social Integration. There’s so much more than just showing share buttons on your website. Let us integrate your Instagram feed or why not let your customers buy directly from your Facebook page?
  • It’s Open Source. Why pay for us to develop features that someone else already has? With an open source community and over 75million sites using wordpress, you can be sure that feature you want has already been developed and can be purchased – normally for just a few pounds.

Our WooCommerce Development Services:

  • WooCommerce Design
  • WooCommerce Development
  • WooCommerce Plugin Development
  • WooCommerce Extension Development
  • WooCommerce Theme Development
  • WooCommerce Native and Third-party Integrations
  • WooCommerce Migration
  • WooCommerce Maintenance and Support

How We Do WooCommerce Design and Development

We work with you

When we say we are collaborative, we really mean it. We believe success comes from good partnerships, especially in highly competitive eCommerce market. We want to help you grow your business, by understanding your needs and finding a bespoke solution that will bring you to the top, or wherever you want to be.

We help you in every step of your journey

From Creative & Branding, Digital Strategy and SEO & Content Optimisation to unrivalled user experience through design and development of your new eCommerce website. As your new digital partner, we help you from the beginning until the end, getting to know your business, understanding your user and the message you wish to deliver.

We want you to succeed

We know eCommerce can be challenging, that is why finding an experienced digital agency is the first step to success. We are committed to conversions and using our expertise in eCommerce and cross-platform knowledge, we create simple and effective customer journeys that result in sale.

At Appnova, we understand that your WooCommerce web development needs are unique. That's why we take a personalised approach to help clients achieve their goals. Before getting started, we'll find out what exactly you want from your project. Whether you're launching a new store, looking to improve an existing one, wanting to speed up your web performance, or looking for ways to optimize for SEO visibility, our WooCommerce experts are here to offer the best advice as per your business needs rather than trying to sell you anything.

Let's start a conversation now to find out how we can best support you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who should use WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an ideal e-commerce solution for businesses of any size that are looking to create an online store. Its powerful customisation capabilities, including content, functionality and design, make it suitable for various industries, audiences and geographical locations and can be used to sell both physical and digital products to both B2B and B2C markets.

How scalable is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is incredibly scalable, offering a flexible platform that can quickly adjust to accommodate the growth of your online store. It can easily handle increased traffic, with both new and returning customers. Plus, it is designed with international e-commerce in mind, with translation capabilities across multiple languages and the ability to display prices in the user's local currency. With WooCommerce's scalability, you can easily reach and engage customers anywhere in the world.

Why choose WooCommerce over other E-commerce options?

If you're looking for an e-commerce platform with all the necessary features and functionality to deliver a great shopping experience, WooCommerce website development is an excellent choice. With its open-source software, you can access a wide range of knowledge and expertise in building and maintaining your WooCommerce installation. Furthermore, as it's built on WordPress, the most popular content management system in the world, you'll benefit from a familiar back-end interface, reducing the cost and time of onboarding. With all these advantages, WooCommerce is an ideal choice for your online ecommerce store.

How much does WooCommerce Development Cost?

The cost of developing a WooCommerce solution depends on the project's complexity. The expense is relatively low for a straightforward implementation due to its open-source nature. However, for more complex projects, you should consult the best WooCommerce development agency. At the start of the project, they will discuss your requirements and provide a detailed estimate of the project cost and any associated risks.

Want to know more about whether WooCommerce is right for your brand? Get in touch now.

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