From industries marketing their products on social media, pop-up shops, and advertisements, what does one specific industry do when purchasing factors depend on consumers having the ability to smell their product. What does that exact industry do when a global pandemic goes from quarantining consumers to obscuring their ability to smell, now having to wear a mask? This question can be answered later in this post as we discuss how fragrance brands are adapting to the crisis and provide tips to combat against these odds.

Covid’s Impact

Marketing strategies for luxury brands have been extremely difficult since the pandemic, specifically with luxury fragrance brands sales decreasing by as much as 75%. The beauty industry as a whole had taken on some challenges with consumers not looking to spend money on these products as most, if not all, people were quarantined at home. Materials started to be looked at as unessential as there had been no purpose to buy from the industry based on the current circumstances. Luckily, as masks become the cushion of safety and restrictions ease, sales will likely begin to recover.

Along with statistics provided by Global “Fragrance and Perfume Market” Report 2020, sales of this product are still likely to climb up by 6.2% by the year 2024, as consumers want to maintain a sense of individuality and maintenance of personal style. As trends continue to evolve in the beauty and fashion industries, this will also affect how the fragrance market will need to market itself. Within the next several years, sustainability and organic products will be on a rise, so some brands should focus on marketing the essential oils in the products or even reconstruct their formulas with less alcohol in them. 

Engagement Tips For Fragrance Brands

Many companies, whether they be luxury fragrance brands amid the pandemic or a small-shop business, engaging with consumers is a key factor in helping raise and keep up with sales for a product usually needed to be experienced in-person. Despite the stress surrounding marketing this product, companies will need to focus their time on everything from consumer engagement and social media platforms, unique campaigns, and better customer service methods. Below are fragrance brands tips during COVID-19:

1. Influencer Marketing: A great way to market your fragrance would be to take advantage of influencers and their existing audience. Consumers are likely to buy products from people and places they trust, so by utilising influencers, your brand can achieve this, even without customers getting to physically smell the scent of your brand’s perfume or cologne. It’s important to remember to seek out influencers within your desired audience field for best results rather than just those with the largest following.

2. Create A Lifestyle: Your company can begin selling your fragrance as more of a lifestyle product compared to just the product itself to persuade consumers to make a purchase. Customers are unable to actually test out your product, so this strategy brings your inventory to life in a different form. For example, Chanel uses their commercials to create a fantasy world that works at attracting people that would ideally want to feel as though they are a part of that lifestyle. They sell the lifestyle, then the product.

3. Promote Existing Reviews: Highlighting existing reviews given by consumers can help promote your fragrance in a cost-effective manner. Not only do some customers talk about how much they like your product but some may even go in-depth as to how the scent actually smells, so other consumers can make an opinion for themselves based on trusted evidence.

4. Interact With Your Audience: Your brand interacting with its audience on different social media platforms can help bring a significant amount of traffic to your site and could potentially increase sales. Not only does this method show your audience that their voices are heard but helps create an overall welcoming and community-sense feeling for your brand.

5. Storytelling: Fragrances can be sold through different storytelling methods to help consumers better understand your product and what it could provide. Consumers in general, react better to storytelling marketing so for a product that usually needs to be bought in person, this could help keep sales up during the pandemic.

6. Seasonal Marketing: Selling your fragrance as a great gift for an upcoming holiday or introduction to a new season gives purpose to your inventory and why consumers should consider purchasing it. For example, Brooks Brothers eCommerce site created a Gift Guide section, promoting their newest fragrance as a great stocking stuffer gift.

7. Trends: The fragrance market is highly influenced by the beauty and fashion industries, meaning it’s crucial for companies to stay on top of upcoming trends to market their own inventory correctly.

Overall, it’s important for fragrance brands to truly push their product to consumers’ interests, whether that be through storytelling, engagement, influencer marketing or improving customer experience. Even with restrictions easing, it’s likely things will not get completely back to normal anytime soon, meaning these tips should be implemented by your company for months to come.



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